Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy EID..


syukur alhamdulillah kupanjatkan pada ILAHI.. yg telah beri kesempatn diri ini untuk merayakan LEBARAN AIDILADHA pd tahun ni bersama keluarga yg kucintai dan kusayagi.

dengan rezeki dan peluang yg diberikan oleh ALLAH S.W.T, tahun ni dapatlah ana berkorban 1 bahagian=rm300, (boleh tahan la harga dgn saiz lembu tu).. tahun lepas,giliran abang ana.. tahun ni, ana.. tahun depan,mgkin ana lg kot. he2 x delah.. actually,ana pun tau ag lorl..

pengalaman pertama.. melalui proses jual beli, niat.. nervous 2, ade la jgak.. a little bit.. hu2. mgkin pengalamn ini akan berulang lagi dalam hidup ana dengan izin-NYA.. insya-ALLAH!

moga2 kita mndapat kebaikan dan keberkatan oleh ALLAH sempena HARI RAYA HAJI tahun ni.. DOA2KAnlah, agar kita semua dapat bertemu kembali dengannya pd tahun2 hadpn. AMEEN!


Sunday, September 13, 2009

~WANITA...dan sifat MALU >

"APAKAH istimewanya wanita sehingga begitu kuat menarik perhatian lelaki....."???
kebiasaan kita mendengar, lelaki diistilahkan sebagai kumbang...dan wanita sebagai bunga..
kumbang amat suke kepada bunga...jadi,,lelaki semestinya suka kepada wanita..
jadi..x pelikla kalu wanita menjadi sasaran usikan lelaki kan??
selagi usikan tu x diberi prhatian oleh wanita itu.. mereka akan terus mencuba dan terus mencuba (tp,bkn smua laki cm2 kan? he2)....
emm..dalam sebuah hadith RASULULLAH s.a.w tlh brsbda yg bermksud;
"terdapat 99 bhgian tarikan pd wanita berbnding lelaki, lalu ALLAH kurniakan atas mereka SIFAT MALU..." wanita walau apepun yg dilakukan akn dpt prhatian lelaki..
jika berbuat baik akan dikagumi.. apabila berbuat jahat diminati.. apabila memakai pakaian menutup aurat dilihat menawan.. apabila berpakaian x senonoh dilihat menggoda, dan pelbagai lagi menarik perhatian kan,??
Oleh sebab tu ALLAH mengurniakan sifat malu kpd wanita.. Dgn sifat malu tu,mereka akan berfikir pnjang sbelum mlakukan sesuatu tindakan.. kalu nk wat jahat,takut2 kalu ad owng nmpk.. nak dedah aurat,takut ad orng ganggu.. nak jalan sowng2,takut ad orng y mngusik...
erm..gitu lah peranan malu y bleh mmbntu dlm tindak tanduk seorng wanita... tapi, kalu pmpuan yg X MALU ?? msti mereka x memikirkan semua tu.. Pedulikanlah orng kan? nak tengok ke,,nak ganggu ke,, nak usik ke... bahkan,mereka merasa senang ,seronok dan BAHAGIA apbila dlm keadaan sebegitu.. na'uzubillah....
DAlam sebuah hadith..RASULULLAH telah bersabda yg bermaksud;
"jika engkau tidak malu, buatlah sesuka hatimu.."
hadis ni merupakan sindiran dlm tegahan..Sifat malu i2 adlh pokok akhlak y mulia dan budi pekerti yg terpuji.. ala,,x payah susah nk letakkn sifat malu ni di atas neraca SYARIAT..malah,neraca AKAl pun dahsudah mngakui malu sbgai satu sifat y perlu ada dlm diri manusia... tul x??..huhu.
barangkali wanita hari ni kebanyakannya x tahu malu atau KURANG malu...
atas sbab tu, mereka snggup mlakukan apa saje dosa dan maksiat.. Atau barangkali sifat malu i2 kurang berfungsi sepenuhnya..
apabila kurangnya iman di dada.. maka secara automatik malu tersebut akan hilang.. inilah realiti yg x boleh dinafikan..Buktinya,boleh dilihat di mana2 sahaja kan??,
melalui media cetak,media elektronik,dan bahkan dihadapan mata kita sendiri
berbagai ragam kemungkaran berlaku..masya-ALLAH..
SAYANG..wanita sepatutnya lbih istimewa drpada lelaki,menjadi serendah2nya..
ini hanya disebabkn kurangnya sifat malu i2.. tetapi...
percayalah..kalau semuA wanita boleh mngekalkan sifat malunya,, tentulah mreka
akan brpakaian sopan santun....berakhlak mulia.. dan ketika i2 mungkin akan disegani oleh smua pihak.. tul x??
dengan ini..akan terhindarlah gejala buruk yg selalu menimpa kaum hawa..
sesungguhnya,,setiap insan itu pasti melakukan kesalahan..
dan sebaik2 manusia yg mlkukan kesalahan adlh mereka yg BERTAUBAT..
~takutlah pd ALLAH.GERUNLAH pd neraka Allah, dan CINTALAH syurga Allah~

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

tanah y tandus mnjadi subur~

daripada Abu Hurairah r.a.. bahawasanya Rasulullah bersabda:


salam.. skarang kita dapat lihat banyak tanah arab y dahulunya tandus dan kering kontang sekarang telah menghijau.. dan ditumbuhi rumput2 dn pohon-pohon kayu..
emm.. contohnya; padang ARAFAH yg terletak di MEKAH al-Mukarramah yg dahulunya hanya dikenali sebagai padang yg tandus dn tidak ditumbuhi pohon2 kayu...
tapi.. kini dipenuhi pohon2 kayu, sehingga kelihatan menghijau.. dan kita dpt berteduh dibawah naungannya... keadaan ini memang menyejukkan mata memandang...
namun,, ia mengurangkan gambaran kepada kita,seluruh umat isalam... kepada suasana padang Mahsyar, tempat berhimpunnya seluruh makhluk pada hari kiamat nanti...
~so, fikir2 kanlah eh... ;-)~
DI kALA ku berjabat tangan,
terasa indah nikmat bersalam..

Di kala ku hulurkan tangan,
terasa nikmat diberi balasan senyuman..

DI kala ku menadahkan tangan..
terasa nikmat memuja nikmatMu TUHAN..

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


when i was young n free...
my imagination had no limits..
i dreamed of changing the world,

as i grew older n wiser,
i hope the world would not change..
so,,i shortened my sights
some what n decided to change only my country
but it too..
seemed immovable.

as i grew into my twilight year,
in one last desperate attempt..
i settled for changing only my family..
those closest to me..

they would have none of it..
and now as i lie on my death bed,
i suddenly realize!
if only i had changed myself first
then, by example...

i would have changed my family
from their inspiration n encouragement..
i would then have been able to better my country,
and who knows....
i may have even changed the world!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


"You Are Not Alone"
Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be
You're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go

And leave my world so cold
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away

I am here to stay
But you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
But you are not alone'

Lone, 'lone
Why, 'lone

Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come
And hold you in my arms
I can hear your prayers
Your burdens I will bear
But first I need your hand
Then forever can begin

Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay

For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
For you are not alone

Whisper three words and I'll come runnin'
And girl you know that
I'll be thereI'll be there

You are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart

For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay

For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart

For you are not alone...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

OH sakha..(my favourite song)

Sebenih tetesan embun pagi
Secerah sinarnya mentari
Bila ku tatap wajahmu ibu
Ada kehangatan di dalam hatiku

Air wuduk s’lalu membasahimu
Ayat suci slalu di kumandangkan
Suara mu penuh keluh dan kesah
Berdoa untuk putera puterinya

Oh ibuku engkaulah wanita
Yang ku cinta selama hidupku
Maafkan anakmu bila ada salah
Pengorbananmu tanpa balas jasa

Air wuduk s’lalu membasahimu
Ayat suci slalu di kumandangkan
Suara mu penuh keluh dan kesah
Berdoa untuk putera puterinya

Oh ibuku engkaulah wanita
Yang ku cinta selama hidupku
Maafkan anakmu bila ada salah
Pengorbananmu tanpa balas jasa

Ya Allah ampuni dosanya
Sayangilah seperti menyayangiku
Berilah ia kebahagiaan di dunia juga di akhirat

Monday, July 6, 2009

..the DIOR kiss..


sy rase nk share story ni dgn korang semua..
coz sy rase crite ni myntuh hati sesiapa yg membacanya..
ia x ada kena mengena dlm khidupan sy..
tapi,crite ni berkaitan dgn seseorng yg ade kena mengena dlm hidup sy..
x pelah.. asalkan sy bahagia.. hehe2.

MY mum grew in tradisional CHinese family where open expressions of love
were never encouraged.. When she had me and my three siblings, she treated us with the same hard hand.. It was not that she was a slave driver or nothing, but she never openly
showed affection.. Instead, she demonstrated that she cared in more practical ways.......

My parents couldn't have been more different emotionally.. My dad is really open-hearted person who constantly showers us with hugs and kisses no matter the occasion.. After much persuasion from my dad, my mother did try to change, but it was clear that she never felt quite right expressing her emotions.. Eventually she reverted to her old self..

The differences between my parents was never more stark than during during the times I brought home a very good results from school... My dad would practically jump for joy, offering warm and effectionate words of congratulations.. And my mother?
"Ah,good,good," she would typically say witha tense smile etched on her face. "dO better next time, OK,??"..

I tried not to hold a grudge against her for being so reserved.. That was just her in way, I reasoned..

It was the kisse that we children secretly yearned for.. We received a peck on the cheek from her once a year on Chinese New Year when gave us ang-pow.. I can remember the kisses, awkward and wet, from her DIOR lipstick.. We would rub the smudge on our cheek,trying to look disgusted but secretly glad to get once-in-a-blue-moon kiss from our mum..

Last year, I was called for an entrance interview at a private medical university in Kuala Lumpur.. I desperately wanted to get accepted.. Since we live in Pahang, two states away, I decided to go there by bus.. My mum being her usual worrywort self,said it was not sAfe for me to take the 5 hours bus trip alone and insisted on coming alone...

I had never been a morning person and wasn't too happy about getting up at 7 a.m on the day of the interview.. As soon as we boarded the bus, I just plopped down onto a window seat and turned my back to my mum.. She knew what i was like and sat down behind me without saying a word.. As the bus pulled onto the highway, drowsiness began to take over and i was asleep in no time...

Not long afterwards, I was awakened by the pitter-patter of rain on the window.. I kept my eyes closed- it allowed me time to think and just relax.. MY head was lolling to the left, close to my lovely mum.. Then, just as i was about to open my eyes, I felt her hand caressing my cheek.. That really threw me off.. I squeezed my eyes tighter,not knowing what to expect next.....

I heard my murmur,"I LOVE YOU SO MUCH...".. aND then it came a wet kiss, tinged with the familiar feeling of the expensive DIOR lipstick, on my cheek...

I was stunned.. As tears welled in my eyes, I turned to the other side to prevent her from seeing them.. I slowly opened my eyes and stared out of the window, gazing at the trees whizzing past on the highway.. The lump in my throat just kept growing and growing....
I practically had to force it down to prevent my mum from hearing my sob...

Never in all my life, did i expect such a gesture from my "colder than stone"mum.. It made me realise that she did love me, even though she never made a big show of it.. Instead, she demonstrated her feelings through all the title things she did, like taking time off work to accompony me all the way to my interview..

I did not think I could face her without bowling my eyes out.. However, With all of the emotional strength i could muster, I turned towards her.. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was slightly open.. As i gazed at her face, peppered with wrinkles and lines that showed her age,I realised at that point that i was looking at my mother in a whole new light..

Then, as if my stare had awakened her from her slumber, her eyes fluttered open and she turned to me..What,? Do I have something on my face..?? Aiyo! Why are your eyes so puffy? Is it allergies again,?? I told you a thousand times to bring your medication.. You never listen..."

I held back asmile as I listened to her go on and on.. For once,I was not irritated or annoyed by what she said..It was just her way..

The interview went well.. and i was accepted in the university.. When my mother comes to visit, she fuses about my clothes,my room and just about everything else... It can still get on my nerves , but then I think back to that moment on the bus and the ill feelings melt away..

I finally, understand that all she does is out of love, and that means more to me than a wet DIOR kiss....

Saturday, July 4, 2009

laskar pelangi~my favourite song~

mimpi adalah kunci
untuk kita menaklukkan dunia
berlarilah tanpa lelah
sampai engkau meraihnya

laskar pelangi takkan terikat waktu
bebaskan mimpimu di angkasa
warna bintang di jiwa

menarilah dan terus tertawa
walau dunia tak seindah surga

bersyukurlah pada Yang Kuasa
cinta kita di dunia selamanya

cinta kepada hidup
memberikan senyuman abadi
walau hidup kadang tak adil
tapi cinta lengkapi kita
laskar pelangi takkan terikat waktu
jangan berhenti mewarnai
jutaan mimpi di bumi

laskar pelangi takkan terikat waktu..

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

..melangkah ke UiTM..


actually,disini sy ingin menceritakan pengalaman sy melangkah ke sebuah universiti, iaitu UITM, machang....

sy n family ke sana coz nk hntar abang sy daftar ari sbtu baru ni.. he,he..

sy rase excited sgt coz sblum ni mane ad pengalaman mcm ni.. ni first time pegi uni..(isy33)

dlm kul 7.45 pagi dah bertolak.. maklumlah, rumah kat k.b nk pegi machang, boleh kire jauh jgakla...=)

tekejut jgak tngok abg sy pg tu..he3 .. yer la sblum ni mane pnah die pkai tie,beju kemeja...

baru ku tahu, ok jgak mamat ni..he3(hatiku brkata)...

bile sampai kat sane, dah pnjang gak kereta berderet kat pintu utama... mujurla dtng awal..

kalau tak,berjanggut la nak tunggu,.. ala,imagine kalau jam kat jln... isy2..

wow!! besar banget UiTM machang ni(ungkapn prtama bile tgok uitm)..

atas bukit plak tu.. betapa nyamannya udra kat sane..

lpas tu,abg sy pun pegi la daftar n kiteorg pun tunggu kat bwah khemah yg disediakn...

sambil menunggu, sambil memerhati orng kat sekekliling..he2..

ya allah, mcm2 ragam sy jumpe.. ad 2 yg ok, n ad jgak yg ko.. isy2..

lpas je daftar, trus pegi tgok bilik n kemas2.. satu blik 3 owng; abng sy n 2 orng lg tu bdak johor..

memang kebetulan!! n satu lg kebetulan, dua2 orng tu course same iaitu; art n design.. isy3..

abng sy plak ambik statistic.. (eh,mcm tajuk dlm subjek maths plak)... =)

ala,nk buat mcm mane dh jodoh 2 orng tu..dah la sbilik, sama course plak tuh..syukur2!

perut pun dah lapar ni.. so, kte pun g la makan nasi kat restoran berdekatan.. alhamdulillah,kenyang.....

jlan pun dah mula jam.. dats mean,time tu, kereta bnyk sgat/.. so, x bleh blik la lg maknanya...

sy dan adik g jlan2.. tngok pemandangan dari atas bukit.. cantik sangat.. bile lg nk tngok kan,??

lpas tu, ibuku mahu pergi ke bandar machang kjap, nk beli barang..

n pegi balik UiTM coz nk hntar barang kt abg sy.. lpas tu, kiteorng pun balik dgn keletihan yg amat sangat...

erghh,besok sekolah!! letih sangat.. dah la sampai rumah dlm kul 4 ptng..

sabar2!! mlm 2, memng tidur awal drpd biase.. zzzz..

>tapi,ini lah antara pengalaman yg manis dlm hidup sy.. ALHAMDULILLAH..

walaupun universiti machang, ia adalah satu gudang ilmu yg bleh kite banggakan.. tul x,??

nanti 2011 plak, giliran sy plak utk melangkah lebih jauh drpd biase.. harap2 cita2 yg sy impikan akan trcpai..

INSYAALLAH.. so,doakanlah kejayaan saya.. AMEEN.. !!


Sunday, June 28, 2009

.sebagai renungan..

TO love someone iS nothing,,
to beloved BY someone is something,,
to beloved by someone we loved is exciting
but,, to beloved by ALLAH is everything..

Teman tg solehah malunya pd kurangnya amalan

Beraninya pada kebenaran..
Cintanya berlandaskan keimanan,,
Rindunya pd janji2 tuhan yg pasti...
Dihatinya, tetap tertanam taqwa & kbenaran..

Indahnya ukhuwah ini..
di kala lupa ada yg menasihati...
Di kala trsilap ada yg mngingati..
Jasad dan hatinya sentiasa menemani..
di kubur nanti diharap,,
Doanya mengiringi.....